May 28, 2012

Soothing My Soul

Worship is one of the things I love most about Sunday mornings. The gathering together of the saints to celebrate our Saviour and to encourage one another in the faith is priceless. I know that the freedom to meet together should never be taken for granted so every time we can, we do. (We don't meet out of obligation but out of pure joy!)
Yesterday, the worship team led one song that struck a chord in particular. There is actually a story behind it for me.
When my mom passed away, as we planned her memorial, I requested two songs that we would sing all together. "Because He Lives" reminded me that God would give us the strength to get through. I also chose it because Mom loved that song. We sang it at my niece's service many years ago and Mom found comfort there. I remember her telling me so.
The second song was "Blessed Be Your Name" written by Beth and Matt Redman. It had already been a balm to my soul and I wanted to share it with my family. The middle verses were especially perfect following 11 years of watching her battle a long drawn out illness that stole her away bit by bit.

"Blessed be Your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's 'all as it should be'
Blessed be Your name

Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name"

During the service the piano started to play and I knew within three notes, the old hymn, "Blessed Be THE Name" was ringing out. The pastor leaned over and began to profusely apologize. He had even checked with me ahead of time to make sure but somewhere along the line, the worship leader got it mixed up. The song I wanted to share, would stay tucked away.
So yesterday, as we have so many times since that day, I had another chance to soak it in, to sing it out and to once again feel the comfort of the Spirit pouring through me. Instead of this song taking me back to a most difficult day, it takes me forward, closer and more intimate with the Saviour whose name truly is blessed. No matter where my road leads, no matter what the path holds for me, "my heart will choose to say, blessed be your name".



1 comment:

Kitty said...

I love that song. Many times it's meant a lot to me. Love your writing :)