November 09, 2012

Thankfulness Journal - Day 9 - The Gift of Prayer

The Princess fell ill yesterday after her school was closed for a possible Noro-virus outbreak. We rushed to the ER and texted friends when we got to the room. We posted on Facebook to other friends as well. We gave a quick synopsis and asked for prayer. Texts and messages flooded in showing support. It is a precious feeling to know that precious friends are taking your needs before the Creator of the Universe.

My own times of prayer feed my soul. It settles my heart to know I have a Savior who listens and takes my requests to the God of love. As my loving Father, He answers my petitions by giving me what is going to bless me the most. He knows the path that will cause me to grow closer to Him. I don't always understand but I trust His heart.



1 comment:

faerylandmom said...
