October 14, 2012

An Open Letter to My Husband On Our Anniversary

My Dearest,

Today I sat next to you in church and without thinking, I slipped my hand into yours to worship together like we've done for almost a quarter of a century. Do you remember when you took me to church with you for the first time? We held hands to worship. Even then, our Creator was weaving our lives together in ways neither of us could have imagined.

On this day, twenty three years ago, we spoke vows we still believe in, exchanged rings and told secrets to each other when music was playing. I faced you, covered in yards of satin with sequins, pearls, lace and beads. From behind my iridescent veil I couldn't take my eyes off of you. My tall, clammy handed groom in a tux with tails. Your tan face, blonde hair and blue eyes had me captivated.

Our covenant with God and before witnesses became our strength when the storms of life beat against us. Our faith is the solid foundation that never changes. We have experienced the deepest joy even in out darkest days. The grace of our Savior has taught us to forgive always, serve often and love with reckless abandon.

Thank you for loving me even before I've had my coffee in the morning or waited too long between meals. When I am tired to the bone you encourage rest. Those times when depression weighed me down, your patience and prayer helped lift me to a place of strength and peace.

Song of Solomon 2:16 "My beloved is mine, and I am his."

Forever and Always,



Tiffany said...

Happy anniversary! May God bless you with 50 more wonderful years. Unless he comes back first. Either way would be awesome. :-)

pascha light said...

Happy Anniversary to my Aunt & Uncle! I am proud to have family that show how marriage works. Many, many more years to come! Love you guys! ;)

idelette mcvicker said...

Happy anniversary, Hope! A few days late, but wanted to add my wishes nonetheless. Here's to another 25 years and holding hands during worship.