Wouldn't it be nice for me to tell you that while The Coffee Guy is in India, everything here is going smoothly? That happens in perfect world and as you probably know by now, this is real world. Real world showed up in a big way yesterday. It started with The Princess throwing up. In the past, protocol was the take her immediately to the ER but since in all other ways she seemed to be feeling well, I decided to watch her. Thankfully, she was in a great mood so we will just watch her g-tube feeds a little closer.
The big hit came when her dog Max started really acting sick. Among other things, he just wasn't himself. By the afternoon I knew I needed to get him to the vet before they closed. An X-Ray revealed rocks in his stomach and the remnants of the light up ball that he swallowed ten days before. We came home with meds but he became worse over the course of the afternoon. The Coffee Guy called and although we had agreed that I wouldn't bother him with things from home, I couldn't keep this from him. After a short discussion and his firm encouragement, I dropped Max off to be hooked up on IVs for hydration and they hope things will pass or they will have to do surgery this morning. He was still wagging and loving on the staff all the way out the door.
This morning it a new day, we will head to church in the rain. We will spend time with the people we love doing what we love, worshiping our God who does not leave us alone when life gets frustrating. Like I have said before, "Life isn't about waiting for storms to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain".
AFTERNOON UPDATE:Max is resting comfortably. They removed some rocks and a bag with something in it. The plastic ball was the worst part. It caused peritonitis which he is being treated for now. He will be in the doggy hospital for a few days with antibiotics and sedation so he can rest while he heals.
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