Day 7 Salem Pastors Conference
With 150 pastors in attendance the Conference was a success. The feedback we received was as good as the Sathy Conference 3 days before. A group of area pastors networked together to host the first ever Real Hope Pastors Conference here in Salem. They were able to secure the old YMCA building which had western style restroom accommodations which was a blessing.
Salem is a larger city than Sathy and the pastors that came from the surrounding area were a bit more educated in the Word as well as the English language, as evidenced by the nodding of heads and scattered “amen” throughout the hall even prior to Ravi translating what I just said. By the end of the first session as lunch was about to be served, the weather had become hot and humid, almost as hot as the food. Ravi told me one of the pastors came to him concerned that they should not be feeding me what they were eating…I appreciated the concern; I counted it as love for the brethren!
The Basic fundamental doctrine of the faith is what was taught and it was exactly what was needed. I am grieved and amazed of the need of the pure milk of the Word. But at the same time I am grateful that we were/are here at a critical time. Basic biblical truths—the foundations of the faith is what is so desperately lacking and they must learn to teach their people.
The response to the segment on False Teachers was almost as unnerving. For those that spoke with us they had not heard of the danger of false teachers or any instruction on how to deal with them. Lord help us. I mean it Lord help us to instruct where the need is and help protect your people till we return.
Day 9 Family Conference New hope Revival Church
Weeks before arriving in India I asked the Lord, “what do you want me to teach them—what is your message?” He directed me to Genesis 20:3-11; The 10 Commandments. My first response was, “Are you sure?” not questioning the Lord, but really my hearing Him properly.
The message, “Abiding in the Blessings of God and His prescribed plan for family life”. A simple message beginning in Psalms 19:7” The Law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul…”; then a basic expositional teaching on the 10 commandments . Starting with the first 4 commandments how and why our obedience or disobedience affects our relationship with God. Then explaining the next 6 and our choice to abide by them or not effects our relationship with one another and our neighbors.
That if we abide by Gods perfect law we Honor Him and we honor one another. But if we choose not to, in fact if we break just one, there is a strict penalty, which opened the door for the Gospel Message and how Gods perfect law was lived out in the Perfect Man Christ Jesus.
Being able to show how the Law reveals Gods perfect pure character at the same time revealing in us our wretched character—convicting us of our sin and driving us to Jesus was new to many.
We ended the 1.5 hour teaching with Matt. 22:36-40”Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?" Jesus said to him, "‘you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. The second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets."
To abide in the Blessings of God we must abide in Christ John 15:9-10
"As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love
Day 10 Real Hope Revival Church Dedication
What a glorious day. From the street you would never know there was a church there. In fact it is only a door way sandwiched in-between 2 store fronts in the midst of other shops and businesses on this heavily traveled street. When I say busy I mean extremely busy and noisy; horns are continually honking in their varying pitches and tones. The only indicator of a church in this predominantly Hindu neighborhood is the large sign, “Real Hope Revival Church”
As you come into the foyer the first thing you notice is the orderly pile of sandals on the floor pair by pair. Once inside the Church there is a door directly ahead of you which leads to Pastor David’s house, the stairs to your left lead up to the sanctuary. This building serves as both their family’s residence and the church, a blessing for both the pastor and his people.
You can hear the sounds of worship echoing down the narrow staircase, and as you ascend you hear the excitement of people’s voices. Then you enter the Sanctuary…it is hard to fathom they only moved in 6 weeks ago! All the work that had to be done to get to that point is amazing. You we have to view the before and after pictures. It is wonderful what can be done without needing permits.
It is very bright and colorful; the thick green cloth covering the concrete floor and the red runner going up from the center rear of the sanctuary to the pulpit. The multi hued Saris that the women wear to the back drop on the front wall, all is very lively and inviting—it shouts New Life and Real Hope!
Starting at 9:00 with a very uplifting 15 minute call to prayer leading into a worship time that I will not soon forget, 2 hours had pasted BEFORE the Word was preached. As the message was delivered the temperature rose until I finished at 12:45! But church is not over yet—we are in India my friends. After a couple more even quicker paced songs in which there were MUCH rejoicing! We finished with corporate prayer the likes of which are only experienced in Pentecostal churches. Now is the time that people come forward for healing and a personal touch from the Lord—it is now 2:00! 5 hour church service, that was before lunch was served!
The Lord is assembling a great team of men and women to serve alongside Pastor David and his wife. The team served a lunch fit for a king to the 150+ people that came for the dedication service of Real Hope Revival Church. All said and done we left to go back around 6:30 for the 1.5 hour back to Sathy… Before we left we had a great time of prayer for the work that has begun there, for pastor David and his family and for the dedicated group for men that are serving with him. Ravi and I both said to his brother, “You will be going to 2 services soon” and he will. This is a great work that I am thankful to be a part of…much more to follow.
Day 11 Pallipalayam Pastors Conference
This was day 3 of the 3 day push starting Saturday with the Family Conference, Sunday with the all day Worship and dedication service now it was Monday. The Pastors Conference here was the last of the three Pastors conferences that were scheduled.
The drive from Sathy to Pallipalayam is 1.5 hours but seemed longer during the Monday morning rush hours—traffic, driving in general is a matter of faith here. As I’m going through my notes in the back seat I’m praying. As we walked back into the church that we left 9 hours earlier I caught myself saying’, “Ok Lord, 7 more hours…we can do this…”.
Pastor Bibbin led us in worship again which is a blessing, he truly is gifted. (I told him he looks like Benny Hinn’s brother, he really does—Bibbin and Benny Hinn).
The teaching time flowed very well. Ravi and I both sense it was the best out of the three. This was the third time in 7 days that Ravi and I had taught the material and we were more in sync with one another. 140+ pastors were able to attend and stay through the nearly 100 degree heat—they pulled in a couple of big fans to help out.
In fact Ravi said that many of the pastors which he has a relationship with told him it was exactly what was needed and they want more—more solid biblical foundational truth. Pastor Mani from Sathy pleasantly surprised us when he showed up. He was so encouraged with the Conference the prior Monday he wanted to get a double dose. That is one godly man who has fought the good fight.
The new Church building is a blessing in so many ways; hosting Pastors and Family Conferences, hosting missions’ teams as well as the weekly services and out reaches that will occur. Real Hope Revival Church is making a stand and proclaiming the Risen Savior—Halleluiah!
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