December 22, 2009

Warm Stories From Times Gone By

My Dad is visiting and I am thoroughly enjoying it. Today we took a short shopping trip and he repeated a story I have only recently heard. I love when he tells about his childhood. I have no issues with hearing stories more than once because chances are I'll catch new details. Today, was one of those times.
As we passed a Salvation Army bell ringer with the signature red bucket, he told me about the time  he crossed the country in a pickup with his father and brothers, picking cotton to earn money along the way. His mother had passed away four years prior. This was in the middle of the depression along the southern United States.
During the trip they would spend the night on the side of the road. One particular night they found a Salvation Army and opted to stay there. Dad said he remembers clean beds and warm blankets. In the morning, they had oatmeal that was over salted but as my grandfather told his boys "Don't complain, its free".
Now whenever he passes a bucket, he fishes his pockets for money to toss in. Easily 70 years later and he remembers this kindness with his generosity. I wonder how many people have been blessed by the benevolence he shows.
As you remember the giver of all gifts this beautiful season are you looking forward? Did you even think that what you give today may touch the life of someone 70 years from now? Today I am thinking of giving in a completely different way.


1 comment:

Beth Ballenger said...

Beautiful Jem