December 15, 2009

Praying For Who?

You might know that I also write a prayer blog. It brings attention children with serious illness and their families so they can have prayer and support. I know from experience how comforting it is to know that my child is being prayed for when her health is precarious.
Its not a surprise to most folks that Christ's followers are asked to pray for those in need. In fact it comes natural to many. What doesn't come natural is praying for those who could be seen as our "enemies". Jesus said it Himself, "But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.Matthew 5:44 (NKJV) 
Its difficult but like I tell my students, hard is not impossible, some things just take practice.
The above Scripture goes further than merely praying for our enemies, it tells us to love them. Even harder than just taking their needs before the Lord. We actually are called to apply the principles of 1 Corinthinians 13:4-7. Especially, verse 5 where it says " is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs...".
So how do I keep from recording wrongs? We take our thoughts captive. We don't allow them to take residence. We get rid of the thoughts that are destroying our peace and our relationships.
One of my Mom's favorite verses was Philippians 4:8. She would use that as a test to decide if something was worth pondering on. I remember her asking me, "Is it true, noble, lovely or right?". Those are the things we are to meditate on. Those are the things that will bring our minds to the right place. Light and dark cannot take up residence in the same place. If you dwell on those things that bring light, the darkness will be banished.
In this season where we are dazzled by lights and the beauty it can bring into a dark world, allow light to shine in those places that would seek to darken your heart. Pray for someone today that you consider an "enemy" or those who have wronged you in some way. Oh, it may not change them but I am certain it will change how you see them.


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